by Kailin Gow
Format: ebook
Source: Author
Genre: Fantasy
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Goodreads Summary: Wirt, Spencer, and Roland are thrown into the dangerous Quantum Games, and only 1 can move onto the Elite class.
Cindy's Review:
There wasn't much information provided by Goodreads on this book. Sorry ~ Thanks to Kailin Gow for sending me the third book in The Alchemist Academy! I did a blog tour for the first two books and Kailin Gow offered to send me the third one. ;D
The Cover:
Personally, I don't think the cover really matches the story. Since I kind of expect Wirt, the main character, to be younger. Kind of like Harry Potter's age in The Sorcerer's Stone.
The Characters:
Wirt- Wirt is the main character in the book. He's like Alina, but Spencer is dating her. He's an advisor to the future king, but the king seems to be better at it than him. Worst, he knows he has to win the Quantum Games. But he's going against Spencer, whose his friend and Roland, whose his enemy. What a horrible year for Wirt.
Roland - Roland is evil. If he's not evil, he's possessed. He plans to take over the school and in order to do that, a step is to be in the Elite class. To be in the Elite class, though he has to win the Quantum Games. The Quantum Game is a game that you have to roll a black spinning ball at people to disintegrate your opponents. And Roland. Roland is good at that.
The Extras:
I really like the way Kailin Gow plots this story. It's makes it a really fast read. The Alchemist Academy kind of gives a Harry Potter's School of Wizardy and Witchcraft vibe, but exactly like it either. Although no one can beat J.K. Rowling, I must Kailin Gow is pretty good~. ;D
The Rating: (1-10): 7.6
Happy Reading~
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