YEP. I finally watched Divergent!

When the movie came out last Friday, I heard about the bad reviews. But then, I still wanted to watch it. I mean, I've waiting for this movie to come out since forever. Technically, since they told us that it was gonna become a movie, but who cares.
My Thoughts:
The Movie Setting/Overall:
Okay. Maybe this wasn't the best movie ever. Since I seriously loved Catching Fire. Like so much. Like it was really good. But I think Divergent went pretty well.
There were some few added parts and the characters say different things from the book, but I think the movie followed the book pretty well. The setting was really well-created. I didn't expect the buildings to be like that, but I'm just seeing this in Neil Burger's (he's the director btw) POV.
At the same time, I feel like this movie wasn't as exciting as the book. I wanted more action. I mean, it's so hard to explain, but it really feels different from reading the book. When you get to certain parts in the book, you'll feel the suspense and all those emotions, but I just can't say the same about the movie. But I totally get why. That's why the books are always better than the movies (except maybe Catching Fire) because the in the books, you actually know the characters' thoughts and beliefs. I only got excited in the movie when they kissed. I mean. It was hot. Don't take my 'excitedness' overboard.
The Characters:
Four - Theo James there. I love Theo and everything, but truly, he wasn't how I imagined Four. Theo is buff and hot like Four was supposed to be. And those tats. But maybe it's the personality that got me. Four wasn't supposed to make jokes and joke around. I really wanted that cold, Winter prince personality. Cuz I just fell for Four there.
Also, Four was like super helpful to Tris in the movie. I found that really obvious. Like really obvious. I mean, he didn't help Tris that much. Four was at like every turn. But Theo James is a really good actor, and I just can't help but gush about him. So I can't despise him. Never. I hope he has a cool personality in real life though. Cuz actors like that are da bomb.
Tris - Shailene Woodley is really pretty. I think she made a pretty good Tris. That part where she was crying for her mother just broke my heart. Well....I have no comment about Tris. What should I say about her? I really don't know. Let's move on....
..And talk about how Shailene Woodley is also in The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. Guys, I am SO watching this movie. THAT BOOK was....*tears. It was good. Those characters. *cries. I just can't. And that ending. Like what the what even. AND, I can't believe Shailene Woodley is gonna be in it. And the main guy character in The Fault in Our Stars plays Caleb in Divergent. LIKE WHAT EVEN. Caleb is Tris' brother btw. He was supposed to be somewhat evil in the book, but he was totally innocent in the movie. It went from BROTHER to LOVE INTEREST. Umm. That would be weird.
But Ansel Elgort is not that ugly. He's tall too.
Christina - I just can't help but mention.....WOAH. Blown out of my mind, cuz Christina definitely wasn't like that in the book. Now, I have this whole new perception of her. First of all, she's like really short. And the book kickass girl and the movie kickass girl just felt different. BUT I ALSO CAN'T HELP but mentioning HER LAUGH. Her laugh is so unique. It sounds like a Sims laugh. LOL. Interesting.
Will - Another thing. I really expected Will to be like cute. Like hot. Like perfect. You know, I just wanted Will to be perfectly hot. I don't why. But to me, Will looked like Al and kind of Peter in the movie. Maybe I'm paying too much attention to Four....
Tori - Maggie Q. I don't even know her but like perfect! Tori is so cool. Exactly the way I imagined Tori.
Eric - I thought Eric was gonna be way younger than that. Eric is supposed to be weenier and shorter, right?
Divergent was pretty good. I liked the characters. I loved the setting. And I loved Tori. The plot.....waverish. They left a lot out but they got the most important ones in.
ONE MORE THING I REALLY WANTED. Definitely more chemistry between the main characters. They're kind of lacking some chemistry (besides that kissing part).
The Rating: 3.5/5