by Lauren Oliver
Release Date: March 5th, 2013
Publisher: Harper Collins
Genre: Young Adult Romance Fantasy, Dystopian
Format: Hardcover, 391 pages
Source: Bought
ISBN: 978-0-06-201453-5
Get a Copy: B&N/Amazon
Goodreads Summary: They have tried to squeeze us out, to stamp us into the past.
But we are still here.
And there are more of us every day.
Now an active member of the resistance, Lena has been transformed. The nascent rebellion that was under way in Pandemonium has ignited into an all-out revolution in Requiem, and Lena is at the center of the fight.
After rescuing Julian from a death sentence, Lena and her friends fled to the Wilds. But the Wilds are no longer a safe haven—pockets of rebellion have opened throughout the country, and the government cannot deny the existence of Invalids. Regulators now infiltrate the borderlands to stamp out the rebels, and as Lena navigates the increasingly dangerous terrain, her best friend, Hana, lives a safe, loveless life in Portland as the fiancĂ©e of the young mayor.
Maybe we are driven crazy by our feelings.
Maybe love is a disease, and we would be better off without it.
But we have chosen a different road.
And in the end, that is the point of escaping the cure: We are free to choose.
We are even free to choose the wrong thing.
Requiem is told from both Lena’s and Hana’s points of view. The two girls live side by side in a world that divides them until, at last, their stories converge.
Cindy's Review: Yayyy. Finally, I'm reviewing this book!! I read this book like on March 7th. ;D Cuz it came that day. And I finished like by the next day. Or actually I don't think started reading it till March 8th, but yeah. It's like three weeks since I read. But don't worry, this was one of my most anticipated reads of 2013 so I won't forget stuff (I hope.)
"But not my Alex: a stranger who never smiles...."
Aww...the 'my Alex' came back again.
The Cover:
Haha. When I saw this cover (while opening the box) I almost screamed! Woohooo! There three of them in box since I helped friends buy theirs and one of them was banged up horribly. Ewww...but at least I got to keep the nicest one.;D Anways, fab cover! I saw it already but when I saw that tiny sticker, "Read a short story about Alex! Only is the first printing." I almost fell off my chair. Woot! We get an Alex POV at the end!!
"Alex reaches out and touches her hand, gentle and reassuring, and I am suddenly filled, head to toe, with the feeling that I am going to be sick."
Someone sounds jealous. But I'm jealous too, lol, for Lena. Actually I'm yelling at Alex in my head.
The Characters:
Okay, so it's really hard to talk about the final book in the series without spoiling anything about the first books. So look away for those who haven't read Delirium yet. In fact, you should find a copy of Delirium and start reading it. I promise you. You won't regret it.
"Their signs read 'Take Back our Streets and Deliria-Free America.' "
Why do they hate love man? Love is like the point of human beings. Omg. LOL.
Lena - Although there are few main characters. I shall introduce the girl who started it. Lena changed a lot thorughout the year (I shall say). She went from shy to more talkative to outgoing to leading to confident. Yeah. And to bold Lena who has two guys falling for her. So actually, I think Lena was kind of annoying. I mean, ohmergerd, girl grow up. I kind of get why she gets mad at her mom, but like omg. Forget it. I'm gonna get mad at her. And omg. Can't she see Alex is in pain. Why is still hanging out with Julian. LIke why is she sleeping with him! Ohmergerd.. yeah
"People don't get divorced anymore. It's practically illegal."
What! Well, when people are controlled by the government, what do you expect?
Alex - OhmyAlex. From Lena POV, he got less sexy. Or maybe just less cute. I dunno. Alex changed. I mean, I would changed if my girlfriend thought I was dead and started dating someone else and promise someone else they would theirs forever. Like dude. What kind of girl is that? Omg. But Alex doesn't really talk to Lena. He keeps to himself and befriends Coral. Noooo. Alex. You needa be with Lena!! Despite all that happened! Cuz you're meant for each other! Omg. LOL
"It's because of him, isn't it?"
Oh yes, it's definitely because of him. ;)
Julian - In the second book, Pandemonium, I hated Julian. I mean, like ewwww Julian. Why did you take Lena from Alex. Omg. Alex is way better than you. But this book I actually feel sad for him because basically this love triangle mess goes like this. Julian likes Lena. Lena likes Alex. Coral likes Alex. Yep. Omg. And Alex supposedly hates Lena. Yep. Horrible. But glad the mess sorts out in the end.
"Their knees, now touching..."
Damn Alex. Why?
Coral - I was mad that there was another girl Alex is paying attention to. Omg. Their knees are touching. Lena gets jealous. But like turns out Coral is actually a sweet girl. I also feel sad for her. Even though Coral and Julian don't go well together (according to me), I think they both deserve someone (if Lena ends up with Alex. Which is probably in my dreams.)
"God forgive me, for I have sinned."
You certainly have. Omg. You totally ruined everything!
Hana - Hana actually plays a big part in the book. At least in the end. She actually help make the final successful. Although she still betrayed Lena. Omg. Whyy??!!?? If it wasn't for Hana, Lena and Alex would be happy together! So in a way, Hana kind of did cause Pandemonium and Requiem to come out. (This isn't a spoiler since it was not included in the book. Well, not really.....)
"He jerks me close him."
Ohmygawd, I have a bad feeling about this.
Fred - Ohmergerd. Don't get me started on Fred Hargrove. No comment. At first, he seems like a normal non-important character. But then he turned....ugh. Don't even wanna talk about him. .In a way, though he reminded me of Anden from Prodigy (Legend #2) by Marie Lu. Since both of them are the sons of the highest officer in the country (basically a president) and they are both leading the country now. But Anden is actually nice and kind.....and Fred is.......
"They call her Bee now." (This wasn't in the story, but I can totally see this flashing through Lena's brain.)
But Lena.....
Annabel - I think Annabel is actually another important figure in this book. She kind of played the mother figure and helped Lena. I cried when Annabel and Lena had the mother-daughter reunion. It was sad. Omg.
"I kiss him back automatically."
\Ooooh no.
The Plot:
Well, this is it. The final book in the Delirium Trilogy. The book that ends it all. We finally got there. ;D
I think the most important point of this book to the readers was who Lena ended up with. Yeah. That's the big question. And that's in the end. After like 400 pages. So if you're really interested, you gotta read it for yourself. ;)
So in Requiem, Lena and everyone else gets the final truth about the government and the cause of everything. Basically this book serves as a final and answer all unanswered questions. Well, not all. In this book though, you'll find a huge group of Invalids resisting the government and finally fighting back through the help they can get.
(As you guys may know, I'm really bad a summarizing a book. LOL. Sorry about that.)
"Why couldn't you let me have it? Why did you have to take it? Why did you always take everything?"
I would have said the same thing.
The Extras:
Ohmergerd. This book. The ending. omg. Was so open ended. To some, the ending may have been happy, with Lena ending up with her guy. To others, the ending may have been, everyone died, the end. LOL. It kind of depends on you to think it out. It reminds me of the ending of this drama City Hunter. And it also reminds me of The Giver ending. Except the Giver is also another series. And City Hunter is a Korean drama. LOL.
The Rating: (1-10): 10!
Haha. Despite my rule of not giving tens to series unless they're the first book, I feel bad for giving Requiem a lesser rating.
Happy Reading~
"But not my Alex: a stranger who never smiles...."
Aww...the 'my Alex' came back again.
The Cover:
Haha. When I saw this cover (while opening the box) I almost screamed! Woohooo! There three of them in box since I helped friends buy theirs and one of them was banged up horribly. Ewww...but at least I got to keep the nicest one.;D Anways, fab cover! I saw it already but when I saw that tiny sticker, "Read a short story about Alex! Only is the first printing." I almost fell off my chair. Woot! We get an Alex POV at the end!!
"Alex reaches out and touches her hand, gentle and reassuring, and I am suddenly filled, head to toe, with the feeling that I am going to be sick."
Someone sounds jealous. But I'm jealous too, lol, for Lena. Actually I'm yelling at Alex in my head.
The Characters:
Okay, so it's really hard to talk about the final book in the series without spoiling anything about the first books. So look away for those who haven't read Delirium yet. In fact, you should find a copy of Delirium and start reading it. I promise you. You won't regret it.
"Their signs read 'Take Back our Streets and Deliria-Free America.' "
Why do they hate love man? Love is like the point of human beings. Omg. LOL.
Lena - Although there are few main characters. I shall introduce the girl who started it. Lena changed a lot thorughout the year (I shall say). She went from shy to more talkative to outgoing to leading to confident. Yeah. And to bold Lena who has two guys falling for her. So actually, I think Lena was kind of annoying. I mean, ohmergerd, girl grow up. I kind of get why she gets mad at her mom, but like omg. Forget it. I'm gonna get mad at her. And omg. Can't she see Alex is in pain. Why is still hanging out with Julian. LIke why is she sleeping with him! Ohmergerd.. yeah
"People don't get divorced anymore. It's practically illegal."
What! Well, when people are controlled by the government, what do you expect?
Alex - OhmyAlex. From Lena POV, he got less sexy. Or maybe just less cute. I dunno. Alex changed. I mean, I would changed if my girlfriend thought I was dead and started dating someone else and promise someone else they would theirs forever. Like dude. What kind of girl is that? Omg. But Alex doesn't really talk to Lena. He keeps to himself and befriends Coral. Noooo. Alex. You needa be with Lena!! Despite all that happened! Cuz you're meant for each other! Omg. LOL
"It's because of him, isn't it?"
Oh yes, it's definitely because of him. ;)
Julian - In the second book, Pandemonium, I hated Julian. I mean, like ewwww Julian. Why did you take Lena from Alex. Omg. Alex is way better than you. But this book I actually feel sad for him because basically this love triangle mess goes like this. Julian likes Lena. Lena likes Alex. Coral likes Alex. Yep. Omg. And Alex supposedly hates Lena. Yep. Horrible. But glad the mess sorts out in the end.
"Their knees, now touching..."
Damn Alex. Why?
Coral - I was mad that there was another girl Alex is paying attention to. Omg. Their knees are touching. Lena gets jealous. But like turns out Coral is actually a sweet girl. I also feel sad for her. Even though Coral and Julian don't go well together (according to me), I think they both deserve someone (if Lena ends up with Alex. Which is probably in my dreams.)
"God forgive me, for I have sinned."
You certainly have. Omg. You totally ruined everything!
Hana - Hana actually plays a big part in the book. At least in the end. She actually help make the final successful. Although she still betrayed Lena. Omg. Whyy??!!?? If it wasn't for Hana, Lena and Alex would be happy together! So in a way, Hana kind of did cause Pandemonium and Requiem to come out. (This isn't a spoiler since it was not included in the book. Well, not really.....)
"He jerks me close him."
Ohmygawd, I have a bad feeling about this.
Fred - Ohmergerd. Don't get me started on Fred Hargrove. No comment. At first, he seems like a normal non-important character. But then he turned....ugh. Don't even wanna talk about him. .In a way, though he reminded me of Anden from Prodigy (Legend #2) by Marie Lu. Since both of them are the sons of the highest officer in the country (basically a president) and they are both leading the country now. But Anden is actually nice and kind.....and Fred is.......
"They call her Bee now." (This wasn't in the story, but I can totally see this flashing through Lena's brain.)
But Lena.....
Annabel - I think Annabel is actually another important figure in this book. She kind of played the mother figure and helped Lena. I cried when Annabel and Lena had the mother-daughter reunion. It was sad. Omg.
"I kiss him back automatically."
\Ooooh no.
The Plot:
Well, this is it. The final book in the Delirium Trilogy. The book that ends it all. We finally got there. ;D
I think the most important point of this book to the readers was who Lena ended up with. Yeah. That's the big question. And that's in the end. After like 400 pages. So if you're really interested, you gotta read it for yourself. ;)
So in Requiem, Lena and everyone else gets the final truth about the government and the cause of everything. Basically this book serves as a final and answer all unanswered questions. Well, not all. In this book though, you'll find a huge group of Invalids resisting the government and finally fighting back through the help they can get.
(As you guys may know, I'm really bad a summarizing a book. LOL. Sorry about that.)
"Why couldn't you let me have it? Why did you have to take it? Why did you always take everything?"
I would have said the same thing.
The Extras:
Ohmergerd. This book. The ending. omg. Was so open ended. To some, the ending may have been happy, with Lena ending up with her guy. To others, the ending may have been, everyone died, the end. LOL. It kind of depends on you to think it out. It reminds me of the ending of this drama City Hunter. And it also reminds me of The Giver ending. Except the Giver is also another series. And City Hunter is a Korean drama. LOL.
The Rating: (1-10): 10!
Haha. Despite my rule of not giving tens to series unless they're the first book, I feel bad for giving Requiem a lesser rating.
Happy Reading~