Welcome to my stop on The Cindy Chronicles Cover Reveal
hosted by Xpresso Book Tours.
The Cindy Chronicles by RaShelle Workman
Series: The Cindy Chronicles will be told in 6 volumes
Genre: YA Paranormal
Life sucks.
Possessing magic sucks.
What doesn’t suck? Fashion, Cindy's boyfriend Gabe, and her best friend, Snow White.
Cindy (Cinderella…shhh, don’t tell) was born a witch. It’s part of who she is. But there’s more to her than that. She loves deeply. And has a big heart. She’d do anything for those she cares about, including risk her own life to save theirs.
When her fairy godmother demands she leave Salem, Massachusetts and return to the land she was born to rule, she has two options. Tell her fairy godmother no, and seal a death sentence on complete strangers. Or, leave all she’s ever known behind, including the love of her life, for an unknown land she’s fated to save.
So, yeah, life sucks.
But Cindy is determined to change that.
Possessing magic sucks.
What doesn’t suck? Fashion, Cindy's boyfriend Gabe, and her best friend, Snow White.
Cindy (Cinderella…shhh, don’t tell) was born a witch. It’s part of who she is. But there’s more to her than that. She loves deeply. And has a big heart. She’d do anything for those she cares about, including risk her own life to save theirs.
When her fairy godmother demands she leave Salem, Massachusetts and return to the land she was born to rule, she has two options. Tell her fairy godmother no, and seal a death sentence on complete strangers. Or, leave all she’s ever known behind, including the love of her life, for an unknown land she’s fated to save.
So, yeah, life sucks.
But Cindy is determined to change that.
Cindy's Thoughts:
Okay. so I don't usually do this to the promo posts I posts. But this promo post just really caught my attention. And I just want to talk about it. LOL. One of the biggest thing that stands out to me is my name on there. :D Yep. My name is Cindy. So I'm just like, 'hahaha, it's named after me!!'. After I noticed my name and signed up to post this promo, I finally read the synopsis and I realized it had a pretty great story line. I really love retelling of fairy tales. And just the name Gabe reminds me of Percy Jackson's smelly step-dad. LOL. I would actually love to read this book. Well, hope you'll get snagged by it's magic and read this series as well! ;D
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