The hosts of this meme are Parajunkee and Allison Can Read. This week's features are Rainy Day Reads and Read. Sleep. Repeat.
Q: Have you broken up with a series? If so which one and why.
A: Haha. That's a cute question. Yes. There's definitely one. Countless, in fact. One is Nightshade by Andrea Cremer. I love that first book, but I heard the ending of the love-triangle and didn't even give it a try. I really wanted Ren to be the one in the end. There are many more, and most of the time, the reason I break up with the series is that I didn't know there was more to come, or the first book was so boring, I just gave it up entirely. I would normally always try to find the sequel (or wait for the sequel).
And this one other one. I broke up The Hunger Games. Definitely. I tried to read Catching Fire and Mockingjay but I ended up speed reading the whole series so now I have no idea what happened. At least I really don't remember. I am watching the movie though.

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Happy Reading~
I am so in love with the cover to NightShade. So pretty.