by Alex Flinn
Release Date: January 31st, 2012
Publisher: Harper Teen
ebook, 144 pages
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Goodreads Summary: See the #1 New York Times bestselling story Beastly through Lindy's eyes! This is her diary, kept while living in captivity with the beast.Lindy's Diary captures all the romance and edgy mystery of the original!
I am locked away . . . with no one to confide in but you . . . and him. His fur, those claws—they caught me off guard at first, but now I'm noticing something else about him—something deeper. It's the look in his eye. It tells me he's got a secret to keep. That's okay—I've got one, too. I think I'm falling in love with him. . . .
Cindy's Review:
At a Glance:
Well, I knew what this book was about when I first saw it. I mean, it was pretty obvious. ;D I was first attracted to the Beastly part of the title. For those who haven't read Beastly by Alex Flinn and is a fan of fairy tale retelling, YA romance, etc, the book is all yours!!
And I suggest you read Beastly before you read Beastly: Lindy's Diary, because this book left some scenes out and added some scenes in. This book is basically Lindy's point of view of Beastly. And Beastly was Kyle's point of view.He's the monster, btw...
The Characters/My Thoughts:
Lindy - Okay. Don't really blame me for forgetting how these characters acted in Beastly, because I read Beastly two years ago...for the CYRM contest. Explains it? LOL. Add my memory = whiteboard. I guess I can start off by saying Lindy is kind of shy.....? Or maybe I just don't know what I'm saying... Okay. In Beastly, from Kyle's POV, Lindy seems like she hates Kyle. In Lindy's version, she hates him, but not as long as he thought she hated him. If that makes sense. Lindy started becoming curious and then finds out this beast isn't as bad as she thought he was..
Kyle - Kyle the ultra popular boy at school that turned into a beast because he was being an ass.Short summary of Kyle's history. ;D What can I say? Kyle became a cool guy after he became a beast. Lindy starts to give up her bearings and actually like him and all. Yeah. I think it's just better to look at my Beastly review even though it's from way back then when I don't know what's wrong with my horrific reviews. LOL.
Okayy. Can't even find my review for Beastly because I read that book before I even had this blog. x) Ummm. I guess you can go read other reviews of Beastly then.
- I liked how Lindy's Diary showed the Lindy side of the story. What she thought of everything. What she's thinking. Not just what Kyle thought. Lindy's Diary sort of gave out more answers than necessary. We officially know why Lindsy would start liking Kyle or why she talked to him in the first place.
- Lindy's Diary still has Alex Flinn's magical writing skills. All her attention-catching, amazing descriptions of fairy tale retelling were still there. ;D
- Well. It's nice to, in a way, rereading Beastly without really rereading it.
- I kind of want Lindy to be more lovable, I guess. I mean, it's really hard to like female protagonist because they're either annoying, bossy, stuck-up, self-centered, or depressing. I mean, it's really easy to like the guys though. ;/ Maybe because I'm a girl in the first place. But either way, Lindy was just not my favorite female character.
- I expected more things to happen. Like I really want to have those extra secret scenes. For example,because this just came to my head, Requiem by Lauren Oliver. The whole series had been Lena's point of view, but at the end of book 3, Lauren gave an Alex short story. A short scene that had already passed with Alex's point of view. I died there. #Tooexcited. LOL. So I think it'll be great if I had that excitement for this book too.
Final Thoughts:
This book was a refreshing read, since I wanted to reread Beastly a lotbefore I found this book. That's why I was searching for it in the first place. ;D Beastly lovers....I know you're out there. ;D Here's a book for you! Of course, if you haven't found it and read it already. #EveryoneknowsImslowandall.
The Rating: (1-10): 8.5~
Happy Reading~
At a Glance:
Well, I knew what this book was about when I first saw it. I mean, it was pretty obvious. ;D I was first attracted to the Beastly part of the title. For those who haven't read Beastly by Alex Flinn and is a fan of fairy tale retelling, YA romance, etc, the book is all yours!!
And I suggest you read Beastly before you read Beastly: Lindy's Diary, because this book left some scenes out and added some scenes in. This book is basically Lindy's point of view of Beastly. And Beastly was Kyle's point of view.
Lindy - Okay. Don't really blame me for forgetting how these characters acted in Beastly, because I read Beastly two years ago...
Kyle - Kyle the ultra popular boy at school that turned into a beast because he was being an ass.
- I liked how Lindy's Diary showed the Lindy side of the story. What she thought of everything. What she's thinking. Not just what Kyle thought. Lindy's Diary sort of gave out more answers than necessary. We officially know why Lindsy would start liking Kyle or why she talked to him in the first place.
- Lindy's Diary still has Alex Flinn's magical writing skills. All her attention-catching, amazing descriptions of fairy tale retelling were still there. ;D
- Well. It's nice to, in a way, rereading Beastly without really rereading it.
- I kind of want Lindy to be more lovable, I guess. I mean, it's really hard to like female protagonist because they're either annoying, bossy, stuck-up, self-centered, or depressing. I mean, it's really easy to like the guys though. ;/ Maybe because I'm a girl in the first place. But either way, Lindy was just not my favorite female character.
- I expected more things to happen. Like I really want to have those extra secret scenes. For example,
Final Thoughts:
This book was a refreshing read, since I wanted to reread Beastly a lot
The Rating: (1-10): 8.5~
Happy Reading~
I haven't read Beastly yet but this one looks REALLLLLLY good;) I really like how you write your reviews! All of the crossouts are very cool!