by Toni de Palma
Release Date: February 15th, 2013
Publisher: Crescent Moon Press
ebook, 172 pages
Source: Author's Agent
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Goodreads Summary: When 17 year old Cooper dies in an attempt to burn down his school, he finds himself in the afterlife. Lucy, the Devil's sister who has crossed party lines, decides to give Cooper another shot at heaven. The deal? Cooper returns to Earth and has to find a girl named Grace. The rest is up to him.
While Cooper figures out his mission, he's thrown into the life he's always wanted. Great parents, a spot on the Varsity football team and a real future are all within reach. But what he really wants is Grace, a feisty girl with an abusive boyfriend who can pound Cooper into pulp if he doesn't watch out.
While Lucy plays demonic-puppeteer, clues to an unknown past between Cooper and Grace start to unravel. Cooper discovers that what's keeping him and Grace apart is far more sinister than anything this bad boy could have ever imagined.
Cindy's Review:
**I received this book for my honest and actual opinion of the book. **
At First Glance/The Cover:
Before this book was actually offered to me, I was actually eyeing it. Because the plot sounded good. The characters sounded interesting. It might be something that I like. That was for me.
The Characters/The Opinions:
Before I actually move on to the characters, I might as well tell ya'll the good and bad. I'm brimming with details. :D
I should have expected it to have angels, heaven, hell, and a devil in the book. I mean, even the summary and teaser said so. The title also. Everything points to devil, horrible devil, mean devil, evil devil. But really, I was expecting more romance from this. Because it seems like the romance is the story. I was expected more of a chemistry romance. A warm, fuzzy romance. But it was far from that. It's the scared, tittering kind. Kind of a forbidden romance.Even a forbidden romance is better. At least in a forbidden romance, the characters try to get together and secretly meet or something. But no. In this book, they just stand there. For a long while before taking any action.
I mean, I know Cooper's trying, but his actions didn't really affect the plot, the story much, because nothing much change. Except that we got to learn even more about the devil. The devil. And the character themselves. Yes, we learned a bit, but it all revolved around the devil. I want to know a bit more about their love, their romance. Why it was so deep. What caused the devil to stop them, interrupt them? Not just a one sentence explanation, but a full, heart-felted one.
Although, the romance was as good as what I was expecting, the rest was a good book. Cooper was enjoyable...I expected Cooper to be more cool and jocky.But what can you get from someone whose pretending to be one. LOL. I don't really mind reading about the devil. But we don't really get much impression of the devil. No looks, only the atmosphere around him. And reading all this also leads me to ask: What is the devil? Who is he? Ruler of Hell? But? What does he do.
Of course, writing can be very very hard. I mean, it's very hard just to satisfy your needs, much less others. I tried. I, well, stopped. I'm not really telling the author to rewrite the whole book, cuz that would just be plain mean. But when she writes her next book, maybe she'll take some of my feedback and make it even better. At more details. More chemistry to the romance. Maybe.
Cooper - Needless to say, Cooper is the main character. He's the guy in the middle on the cover. Somehow, he just kind of reminds me of Leo from Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan. The whole 'burned down school' and fire thing. And the going back to modern life thing. Cooper? He's not funny, but he's not boring either. He's not a stoner or loner, but he's not exactly popular. So I guess you can say he's near the middle. His attitude. Well, he has a bit, not big enough to count it as an attitude problem.
What shows out the most though. His persistence. His will. To get Grace. To save her. If it was me, I'd probably not make a very good protagonist and chicken out.
Grace - I have no problems with her, but then sometimes she gets on my nerves. I was mad. And annoyed. Like the reason the plot didn't move on was her. I mean, I get it that the devil is going to kill them. I get that it's bad. I get that it's going against everything. But what makes a good book when the characters are following all the rules? And they're gonna have to go against the rules sometime, why not make it sooner?
Grace just kept saying no, no, and no. And that's the only tad bit that got me annoyed. Otherwise, I can't say much. If I went to their school, she'd probably be invisible. She doesn't have any bad thing that points out that she doesn't have friends or is not someone very unpopular. But I definitely won't see her in the popular crowd either. And also not being in a group of friends.
Overall Thoughts:
Wow! I said like super much in this review. And not all of them are kind compliments. I'm sorry for that. But saying all that out feels nice. It feels like a rant. Just ranting compliments doesn't let your whole heart out. And thanks so much to Christine for allowing me to read this book. As much as there is to be fixed, I do not hate this book at all.
And I think the wonderful, quirky idea of this story was awesome. :)
**I received this book for my honest and actual opinion of the book. **
At First Glance/The Cover:
Before this book was actually offered to me, I was actually eyeing it. Because the plot sounded good. The characters sounded interesting. It might be something that I like. That was for me.
The Characters/The Opinions:
Before I actually move on to the characters, I might as well tell ya'll the good and bad. I'm brimming with details. :D
I should have expected it to have angels, heaven, hell, and a devil in the book. I mean, even the summary and teaser said so. The title also. Everything points to devil, horrible devil, mean devil, evil devil. But really, I was expecting more romance from this. Because it seems like the romance is the story. I was expected more of a chemistry romance. A warm, fuzzy romance. But it was far from that. It's the scared, tittering kind. Kind of a forbidden romance.
I mean, I know Cooper's trying, but his actions didn't really affect the plot, the story much, because nothing much change. Except that we got to learn even more about the devil. The devil. And the character themselves. Yes, we learned a bit, but it all revolved around the devil. I want to know a bit more about their love, their romance. Why it was so deep. What caused the devil to stop them, interrupt them? Not just a one sentence explanation, but a full, heart-felted one.
Although, the romance was as good as what I was expecting, the rest was a good book. Cooper was enjoyable...I expected Cooper to be more cool and jocky.
Of course, writing can be very very hard. I mean, it's very hard just to satisfy your needs, much less others. I tried. I, well, stopped. I'm not really telling the author to rewrite the whole book, cuz that would just be plain mean. But when she writes her next book, maybe she'll take some of my feedback and make it even better. At more details. More chemistry to the romance. Maybe.
Cooper - Needless to say, Cooper is the main character. He's the guy in the middle on the cover. Somehow, he just kind of reminds me of Leo from Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan. The whole 'burned down school' and fire thing. And the going back to modern life thing. Cooper? He's not funny, but he's not boring either. He's not a stoner or loner, but he's not exactly popular. So I guess you can say he's near the middle. His attitude. Well, he has a bit, not big enough to count it as an attitude problem.
What shows out the most though. His persistence. His will. To get Grace. To save her. If it was me, I'd probably not make a very good protagonist and chicken out.
Grace - I have no problems with her, but then sometimes she gets on my nerves. I was mad. And annoyed. Like the reason the plot didn't move on was her. I mean, I get it that the devil is going to kill them. I get that it's bad. I get that it's going against everything. But what makes a good book when the characters are following all the rules? And they're gonna have to go against the rules sometime, why not make it sooner?
Grace just kept saying no, no, and no. And that's the only tad bit that got me annoyed. Otherwise, I can't say much. If I went to their school, she'd probably be invisible. She doesn't have any bad thing that points out that she doesn't have friends or is not someone very unpopular. But I definitely won't see her in the popular crowd either. And also not being in a group of friends.
Overall Thoughts:
Wow! I said like super much in this review. And not all of them are kind compliments. I'm sorry for that. But saying all that out feels nice. It feels like a rant. Just ranting compliments doesn't let your whole heart out. And thanks so much to Christine for allowing me to read this book. As much as there is to be fixed, I do not hate this book at all.
And I think the wonderful, quirky idea of this story was awesome. :)
The Rating:(1-10): 7.5
About the Author:

Website: www.tonidepalma.com
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