by Kiera Cass
Release Date: March 5th, 2013
Publisher: HarperTeen
Format: ebook, 94 pages
Source: Barnes and Nobles
ISBN: 978-0-0622-4816-9
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Goodreads Summary: Before thirty-five girls were chosen to compete in the Selection...
Before Aspen broke America's heart...
There was another girl in Prince Maxon's life...
Don't miss this thrilling 128-page original novella set in the world of the New York Times bestselling novel The Selection. Also features a teaser to The Elite, Kiera Cass's hotly anticipated sequel to The Selection.
Cindy's Review: I couldn't resist. I had to get this book. It was only $1.99 and I had like $7.99 gift card money in my BN account so I decided to spend it. ;) Omg. And for those who know me, I love The Selection. It was like one of the best books. Nothing was overboard.
The Cover:
Is that Mazon's crown? ;) Sexy crown.
The Characters/Plot:
This novella kind of took place right before the selection was announced to public. And went to that tiny conference Maxon had with everybody in the beginning of The Selection. I guess it was kind of a 'love at first sight' thing for Maxon and I don't like those romance concepts, but oh well. As long as America's story is good.
Maxon - Well, the hot prince is back with his own story. In this novella we learn how nervous Maxon is and we learn about the girl Maxon grew up with.
OMG. I forgot her name. It started with a G. Anyways, she's like a total b****. She's like forcing Maxon to like her and everything and Maxon doesn't even like her.
America - After that G girl was gone, then it was all about America. LOL. Considering she is the main character of the series. I really hope she ends up with Maxon though. Instead of that ugh Aspen. I don't hate Aspen, I just like Maxon better. LOL.
The Extras:
I always love the novellas author provide for their series. Because it isn't a must-read to get the understanding of the book. But if you read it, it helps with a lot of the questions asked. You basically learn a lot about that book.
Anther reason why I didn't regret buying this novella is because of the two chapters of The Elite provided. Sweet! I can't wait till The Elite comes out. ;) I think it comes out somewhere at the end of April. I already pre-ordered it! ;) Yea! Can't wait!
Rating: (1-10): 9.5
*Squeals. Maxon!
Happy Reading~
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