by Rhoda Belleza , Kirsten Miller (Goodreads Author), Mayra Lazara Dole (Goodreads Author), Matthue Roth (Goodreads Author),Sheba Karim, Kate Ellison, Jennifer Brown, Brendan Halpin(Goodreads Author) , Jamie Adoff, Elizabeth Miles, David Yoo(Goodreads Author), James Lecesne, Josh Berk (Goodreads Author),Lish McBride, Zetta Elliott (Goodreads Author)
Release Date: July 3rd, 2012
Publisher: Running Press
Format: Paperback ARC, 377 pages
ISBN: 978-0-7624-4428-1
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Goodreads Summary: It does not necessarily take a fist to create a punch in the gut. This fourteen-story YA fiction anthology delves into the experience of being bullied—socially, emotionally, physically, psychologically, and sexually. The school hallways, walks home, and house walls are no longer the boundaries for intimidation and harassment. With the rapid-fire response time of social media and smartphones, bullying has lost all limits, and the lines among truth, lies, and real accountability have become blurred. Featuring some of the hottest voices in YA literature, both bestselling and on the rise, Cornered includes works from Kirsten Miller (New York Times bestseller The Eternal Ones), Jennifer Brown (Hate List), Elizabeth Miles (Fury), Jaime Adoff (The Death of Jayson Porter), Lish McBride (Morris Award finalist Hold Me Closer, Necromancer), Matthue Roth (Losers), Sheba Karim (Skunk Girl), Kate Ellison (Butterfly Clues), Zeta Elliot (A Wish After Midnight), Josh Berk (The Dark Days of Hamburger Halpin), and James Lecesne (Absolute Brightness and founder of the Trevor Project)
Cindy's Review: I think this is the first time I've ever read an anthologies for fun. (Not including English textbooks) I must say, it's not that bad. Anthologies are basically a series of short stories in one book. For example, the English textbooks for elementary and middle school.
One positive thing about anthologies is that you won't get hanged up before you go to sleep. You won't get any cliffhangers and they would entertain you. You can simply read one short story at a time and ya know, it's real easy to finish the book too.
Since this book has a lot of different characters, authors (as you can see) and plots, I'll tell you what the whole book is about. You can already tell from the title, but I"ll go deeper. ;)
Cornered is a series of short stories that tells about bullying someone, being bullied, and how the main characters change because of being bullied by or bullying at. Cornered teaches us about how bullying would effect people and let us see how much different kind of bullying there are out there.
Either way, I can't say this was the best book I've ever read, but it really isn't that bad either.
Rated: (1-10): 7.5
Happy Reading~

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