by Mysti Parker
Release Date: December 18th, 2010
Publisher: Melange Books
Content: PG-13
ARC Paperback, 324 pages
Source: Author
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Goodreads Summary: In the fantasy world of Tallenmere, an elven noblewoman longed to leave her gilded cage. A half-breed former pirate wanted nothing more than to escape his guilty past. Easier said than done...
High elf Caliphany Aranea leads an enviable life as King Leopold's niece and daughter of Sirius, Leogard's most famous wizard. Yet, being forced to follow in her father's footsteps and being betrothed to a man she doesn't even like makes her want a taste of life outside the city walls.
As a young boy, half-elf Galadin Trudeaux witnessed his parents' death at the hands of pirates. After being raised by those same murderers and forced to do their bidding, he escaped and now lives an honest life as a sea merchant and ranger.
When two brutes at Leogard Harbor attempt to kidnap Caliphany while she dreams of faraway lands, Galadin comes to her rescue. Impressed by his skills, she asks him to train her as a ranger. Though he is hesitant at first to train a woman of her class, Caliphany's hefty sack of gold finally persuades him. Unfortunately, her father is not amused, and the two must escape before Caliphany faces a forced marriage and Galadin faces a noose.
From that moment on she and Galadin embark on an adventure of a lifetime. Only if they can survive the trials ahead, will they find a love that stands the test of time.
Cindy's Review:
At a Glance/The Cover:
The cover is as appealing. I mean, if I were to be at a library, and be choosing out my book just from the cover, I probably wouldn't have pick this book. I know it's the contents and what's in it that counts, but like sometimes I would definitely pick out a book just looking at its cover.
What the cover did give us what that there are 3 main characters. And there's probably going to be a love triangle.
I want to see the world!
Ha. Don't everyone? I totally agree.
The Characters/My Thoughts:
Before we get to the characters, I might as well start by saying what I liked and disliked about this book.
Okay, so for me. I'm more of a YA fan. A teenager's POV. At most, new adult. I don't usually go towards the adult and kids and actually getting married and having a family section. But sometimes, it's just really nice to include kids in it. I can get hyped over the description of babies. And really though. I like the drama. Because babies always always involve drama. I don't like the school drama though. Or the gossiping kinds. But in general, I like to watch dramas. Like TV ones. Not the ones I get to live through.
Shut up and steer.
Ayee captain. :)
So I just spent that whole paragraph talking about me. Ugh. Okay. I'm going to talk some more. About me. LOL. I love fantasy, but there's just somethings I don't like. I love the idea of wizards, gracelings, talents, powers, goddesses, princes etc, but then I don't really go for the faeiries, werewolves, vampires, angels, supernaturals, etc . unless they're really good. I never really read one about elves. Because every time I think about them, they remind me of Christmas. Or St. Patrick's Day.
But before I read the book, I did consider elves in the "I don't really go for" list.
I do enjoy the idea that the main character is royalty, but the book didn't say much palace life, soo......either way, it was an interesting concept to read. I did thoroughly enjoy the book. The drama wasn't too dramatic, yet it wasn't boring. I liked that the main character actually went to places and didn't stay at one place.
I must say, this book definitely seems like a drama. Definitely. I can just imagine it as a movie or something. I really can. ;)
Omg. That's such a pretty name.
Caliphany - The characters. Finally. Cali. That's her nickname. I don't even know how to pronounce her name, but I like some unique names. Last time I checked, I'm pretty sure Cali is a full elf. She's a beautiful, high elf, supposedly full of elegance. Her family name Aranea is known throughout her country. Her mother is sister of the king. And her father, a really famous, good wizard. Yes yyes. Wizards! And Dumbledore. Either way, I like to think Cali as a princess. Ish.
I didn't like how Cali wavered in her love for Galadin. I was so mad. But then, everything turned out well. :)
Galadin - Elves live really long. Even as a half elf like Galadin, you'll still live long. In a way, Galadin is a unique name, but if I heard it in the supermarket, I probably won't notice it very much. As of Caliphany. I'll notice that, alright. If you ever guessed Galadin is the one to marry Cali, you guessed right.
At first, Galadin and Cali kind of meet in a coincidental way. Then they would meet a second time, while Cali was running away. Then, they eloped. Something like that. :D
Jayden - So there's Jayden. Who isn't low in the social status himself. He likes Cali. A lot. He might have been a cause of problems, but he hasn't been behind everything. When I first met him, I really didn't like. I found him too desperate. And such a cock blocker. I mean, your girl is taken. Get over it. Find a different girl. She isn't your soul mate if she found the love of her life. Then, near the end, Jayden got better. And I actually pitied him. For not getting the one he loves. :'(
Overall Thoughts:
This book was a pretty quick and adventurous reads. Those who like watching movies or dramas, I bet you can sort of visualize scenes and plots and dramatic parts in your head. :)
Oh yeah. And explaining the title. So basically, Galadin is known as a ranger. He hunts. And sells. He's not exactly that high in the social chart, but you know, Cali still loves him. :3
Thank you so much to Mysti Parker to send me this book. And as she says " Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy!" :) Although I don't drink coffee. ^^
The Rating: (1-10): 7.5
Happy Reading~
Ok, so I'm about a year late in commenting. I love this review! It made me LOL. Thanks so much!! ~Mysti