The hosts of this meme are Parajunkee and Allison Can Read. This week's features are Pretty Deadly Reviwes and Boarding with Books.
Q: Give us a sneak! What are you reading? Tell us about a fun or fail scene in your current read.
A: This week just happens to be the week I'm not reading a really good book. Maybe it's also due to CSTs and all that studying. :( But one book I am reading is Incarceron by Catherine Fisher. I guess it's okay....it doesn't exactly pull me in as my favorite books do.
If you're a new follower, comment, and I'll be sure to follow you back~ ;)
Happy Reading~
Passing through to say hi!I'm a new follower who found you by a goodreads thread. hope I can see you back at my blog or blogs =)
I heard they're making a movie of Incarceron with Taylor Lautner... or maybe that's just a rumor. Enjoy The Host, I loved it!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for stopping by my blog! New follower:)
Esty @ Boarding with Books
Thanks for the follow. Got you back! And, as you say, the design IS vaguely familiar :-). Too bad about the book, but how was Stephanie Meyer? FF
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean, not every book we read is amazing. New follower.
ReplyDeleteMy FF:
I'm a new GFC follower :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by My FF
New GFC follower! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am in the same boat as far as books go. Finished one this week that was nothing special, struggling through the River Witch, which seems more like pennance than pleasure...
ReplyDeleteBet @ Free Spirit Books
I really liked Incarceon, even though it was a bit boring and confusing at parts! New follower via e-mail!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my FF Sorry it took me so long to follow your blog! I've been so busy!!