Welcome to my stop of the Sweet Mercy Blog Tour
hosted by I Am a Reader, Not a Writer.
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Stunning coming-of-age drama set during the Great Depression and Prohibition.
When Eve Marryat’s father is laid off from the Ford Motor Company in 1931, he is forced to support his family by leaving St. Paul, Minnesota, and moving back to his Ohio roots. Eve’s uncle Cyrus has invited the family to live and work at his Marryat Island Ballroom and Lodge.
Eve can’t wait to leave St. Paul, a notorious haven for gangsters. At seventeen, she considers her family to be “good people,” not lawbreakers like so many in her neighborhood. Thrilled to be moving to a “safe haven,” Eve soon forms an unlikely friendship with a strange young man named Link, blissfully unaware that her uncle’s lodge is anything but what it seems.
When the reality of her situation finally becomes clear, Eve is faced with a dilemma. Does she dare risk everything by exposing the man whose love and generosity is keeping her family from ruin? And when things turn dangerous, can she trust Link in spite of appearances?
Cindy's Review: Sweet Mercy was a great read. I love historical fiction romances. They're just so fun to read. And I won't have to be disgusted if the main characters marries at age 18. LOL.
I like how in the beginning of the book, Eve was a grandma, revisiting her home. I love how the whole story was like a story she was remembering or telling to her grandson. And I really liked the suspense the Prologue gave. Throughout the whole book, I was like 'Whose the grandpa?!?!?'
In a way, Al Capone was a big part of this story. Even though, Al Capone only appeared for like 5 minutes in Eve's lifetime, he changed the way Eve thinks. Whenever there's a decision to decide, especially about bootlegging and gangsters, Eve thinks of Al Capone.
I've only read two books about Al Capone, ever. And these two books just give me the image of Al Capone as 'a giant teddy bear' He just seems so nice. But on there other hand, he's murderer. Yeah. I know.
There were, to me, three guys as available candidates to Eve's husband.
1) Marcus - Eve's first love
2) Jones - Eve's uncle's stepsonI would say cousins, but it would be
disgusting if you didn't know.
3) Link - That one weird guy who keeps on appearing. At first, I was
like....ermmmm. Then I was like how old is this guy. Is he even
young enough to hit on her?Yeah I thought he was another one of
those old perverts.
2) Jones - Eve's uncle's stepson
3) Link - That one weird guy who keeps on appearing. At first, I was
like....ermmmm. Then I was like how old is this guy. Is he even
young enough to hit on her?
If I was smart enough to read the blurb, I think I would have found out, but yeah. I didn't look at the synopsis until now, when I'm typing, I'm finally reading it.
So for people who like some romance, because I thought the ending was really sweet and cute. ;D This book would be for you~
I give this a 9~
Author Bio:

Happy Reading~
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