by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Release Date: May 8th, 2012
Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Genre: YA Fantasy
Format: Paperback, 335 pages
Source: Liana
ISBN: 978-1-6206-1007-7
Get a Copy: B&N | Amazon
Goodreads Summary: Starting over sucks.
When we moved to West Virginia right before my senior year, I'd pretty much resigned myself to thick accents, dodgy internet access, and a whole lot of boring.... until I spotted my hot neighbor, with his looming height and eerie green eyes. Things were looking up.
And then he opened his mouth.
Daemon is infuriating. Arrogant. Stab-worthy. We do not get along. At all. But when a stranger attacks me and Daemon literally freezes time with a wave of his hand, well, something...unexpected happens.
The hot alien living next door marks me.
You heard me. Alien. Turns out Daemon and his sister have a galaxy of enemies wanting to steal their abilities, and Daemon's touch has me lit up like the Vegas Strip. The only way I'm getting out of this alive is by sticking close to Daemon until my alien mojo fades.
If I don't kill him first, that is.
Book Review: So anything I get from Liana, she most likely gets from a recommendation. Sometimes, they're good, sometimes they're not. Well, most of them are good. Like 99% of it. Like I really really loved The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken. I really like this book too, but Liana madxe it sound really high in her expectations. And the guy is really hot. But..... Anyways, sorry, Liana. I was supposed to give it to you asap, but I think you already forgot about it. LOL.
"Careful there, Kitten. Dee would be pissed at me if you end up cracking your head open and drowning."
Yeah. He's pretty arrogant, alright.
When I first looked at this book, I was like, ugh. The cover's not that pretty. Liana was like, "I heard the guy is hot, so I got to read this anyways." LOL. So I assume the guy is Daemon. The eyes totally makes sense. And well, the mustache and beard makes him look old. The girl have pretty hair though. The background with the lightning signifies, that whenever Daemon uses his power, it's always causes this lightning thunder storm. And traces.
"I succumbed to the warmth of Daemon and the blissful silence."
I can sense that romance go *sparkle, sparkle
Daemon - So Daemon starts off as being a jerk. And he's kind of mean. But Katy falls for his hotness. And he falls for her too. Apparently, Daemon likes walking on half naked, without a shirt on, so Katy can see his abs whenever she goes to his house, which is whenver. Daemon lives right next door to Katy. He is different from others. In fact, he's an alien. But his name sounds like demon. Or he's from another planet in another galaxy. That planet was a planet of light. The livings beings there are basically made out of light and they can travel fast, take forms, etc. Each have their own different power. Daemon just happens to be a very strong one. The light thing explains the Lux series.
"An ugly, hot feeling unfurled in my belly. He had a girlfriend."
Oooh. This's jealous. They're falling........in love.
There so much to explain in this book. I think I'm actually doing a summary. ;D There happens to be a big group of Lux who crash-landed in Virginia. There are also Shadows from a nearby planet from Daemon's galaxy who hunts for lux, because they are jealous of their power. This kind of reminds me of 13 on Halloween and Shadow Slayer by Laura A. H Elliot.
"I'm sorry I know such hideous bitches."
Haha. Dee cracks me up.
Dee - Daemon is overprotective of his sister, Dee. When a Lux use his/her power in front of a human, the human will be light up. Like a trace. It gives the shadows a huge advantage to find a lux since shadows can see the traces really well. The tracers remind me of the series about going back in time by Margaret Peterson Haddix. Ugh. Just move on. So therefore, Daemon made it really hard for Dee to make friends. but Katy was persistent and somehow, she got close with both of them.
"Because I'm not going to hold hands with you when I don't even like you."
You sure?... o.O
Yes, there is a romantic sparkle between Katy and Daemon, but from all the problems it cause, is Katy willing to ruin her world or should she just give up her lover? And you know they always choose the lover.
"Why are such an ass?
Everyone has to excel at something."
Haha. Daemon is killing me!
Katy - If you hadn't known already, Katy is the main character. She's the girl Daemon fell in love with. Right. Remember her? She was uprooted from her home and moved to Virginia by her mother. Her mother is a single mom whom takes care of Katy.....Yep. Story goes on. Girl meets hot guy. Girl falls in love. Boy falls in love. There's always a problem at hand. OH yeah. One thing I really like about Katy, is that she is a book obsessed. Like me. She has a blog. She pre-order books. She fangirls over books. She's just like a typical blogger. But she got to be in a book. And she met Daemon.
"Either he was a perv or alien. Or both."
I certainly thoroughly enjoyed Obsidian and I would love to finish the series. But Daemon, as cocky and awesome as he is, I just don't think he's the hottest guy in the world. But the plot was super awesome and I actually like Jennifer's writing style. When I think of hot guys and Liana at the same time, I just keep remember how she said "Hot gardeners or hot guys too." Just because I can't imagine a hot gardener. Omg.
The Rating: (1-10): 9.2~
Happy Reading~
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