Welcome to my stop on the Unmaking Hunter Kennedy Blog Tour
hosted by Supagurl Tours.
Click HERE to check out the rest of the tour schedule.

Worse, the girl who’s been assigned to make him over into a geek is a major geek herself. Vere Roth is a chattering pixie, a blushing tornado and a complete social disaster. He’s never met a girl who’s never-been-kissed, believes in romance and thinks Hunter’s a 'nice' guy.
Funny thing is...Hunter is nice around Vere because she’s his first real friend. He also can’t seem to stop sharing his secrets or keep her out of his heart. Knowing he’d never deserve a girl as sweet as Vere, he resigns himself to the friend zone, and helps his new bestie with her own makeover.
She tortures him daily for ridiculous guy advice on how to snag her life-long crush. A guy Hunter thinks is totally wrong for Vere, and sadly, one who has taken note of Vere’s transformation.
When Vere asks her best friend for some kissing advice, Hunter can’t resist...
And that’s when things get out of control...
High School Romance, first love, sweet romance
Cindy's Review:
Okay, let me just say, I love these young adult high school novels where there are celebrities. Correct that, hot male celebrities for grabs by the main character. They totally melt me down. Omg *dying just from reading the book over here. ;)
I like the guy's name. Hunter. I only know one person who was ever named Hunter. And he was the girl who sat next to me in math in 6th grade's boyfriend. Except she was in 7th and her boyfriend was also in 7th grade, I think. Yeah. Okay. Random facts by me.
I squeal whenever they have the thoughts of liking one another. You just have to cheer them on on the sidelines since they can't even hear you. Omg. <3333
Vere is apparently, a nerd, geek, or whatever you call the loser in your school. And her brother is the popular guy who plays football. Kinda like Vere is Lisa Simpsons and her brother Charlie is Bart Simpsons. But after helping Hunter change from a great, big, shining star to a dull, little nerd at a public school called Kennedy, Vere actually gets help back from Kennedy. Kennedy helps her transform into a more cool, pretty, and updated person. LOL. Sorry to sound mean. But from the cover, she looks like one of those really popular girls. Maybe he really changed her a lot. Okay. The cover is melting me down.....
Kennedy keeps telling himself she is just a super normal girl who knows his secret, but he can't help getting jealous when she hits on her lifelong crush, Curtis. Every time I see Curtis, I think it's a middle name, because I have a friend with that middle name. LOL. And every time I see Charlie, I think of that "Ouch! Charlie bit my finger!"
video because people at school are so immature. Omg. Back on topic!
This book is how I dream of me and my kpop stars. So romantic!! I need to be in the book! LOL.
So high recommendations for those who love some young adult romance novel!
Rate: (1-10): 9!
Interview with Anne Eliot!! ;)
(This was supposed to be an author guest post, but we did an interview instead. I hope that works!!)
1. What happened that made you want to hit your forehead and say "I wan't to be an author!"? Or you always knew all along and didn't even need to do that.
I was a library rat and became a book addict at an early age. My dad was a huge reader and he used to take me to the library with him and dump me off in the ‘kids’ area and there I would sit gathering as many books as I possibly could before Dad came back and said my time was up. I’d read my stacks and beg him to take me back to the library. When that didn’t work out I would try to write my own stories. (All terrible.) At fourteen/fifteen I discovered commercial romance novels and I have never looked back. I swore I would write romance one day, but my parents were not supportive of this idea and I did not have a clue how to proceed. I went off to college to do other things and it was not until I discovered a local writers group and went to my first writing conference that I found a way to start writing more seriously. I joined Romance Writers of America and that group showed me the ropes of craft, taxes, critiques, query letters, editors, agents and best of all I got to meet other writers like me.
Currently there is not a sequel planned, but so many have asked that I write one about Jenna and Charlie, and/or take Vere and Hunter into the first year of their relationship.
3. Is Hunter Kennedy based on anyone? Any celebrities you're a fan of? Or just straight from your mind?
I’m a pop junkie. I love MTV and watching the stars rise and fall, come and go like everyone else. I have spent a great deal of time fan-girling for fun so of course he’s a compilation of every cute, low voiced, sexy pop singer I’ve ever had a crush on. If I chose only one or two, it ruins the idea for someone who’s in love with a different pop star.
I got the idea for Hunter Kennedy watching MTV’s awesome show called ‘MADE’. It’s a show where they take a regular person and in six weeks ‘make’ them into someone else. From a nerd to a beauty queen… We’ve all watched teen stars lose it on TV, or worse lose their lives to depression and drugs. I always find myself wondering about these teens. I wondered if any of them ever wanted ‘out’. If you could take a teen star, one who grew up on TV in front of us all and if you could hide them, and ‘unmake’ them into a normal person again? How far would a teen go to get out, how far would a mom go to save her kid if she sensed she was losing him.
4. If you were going to come up with a theme song for Unmaking Hunter Kennedy, what song would it be?
Hmm…that’s a tough one because there are so many songs that would be perfect… but off the top of my head, I say the one that reminds me of Hunter and that captures some of the sadness and loneliness Hunter was feeling at the beginning is Five for Fighting, Superman….
“It may sound absurd, but don't be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed, but won't you concede
Even heroes have the right to dream
It's not easy to be me…”
5. Who is your favorite character in the book and who can you relate the most to?
Personally, I relate to Vere because I do get really awkward like she does face-to-face. I don’t blush but my brain does stop working when it’s most needed. (I got that from one of my daughter’s friends who does that 24/7) .
My favorite character is Jenna because she reminds me of an insane best friend I had while growing up. (We are still friends, but now she’s a mom of four, so she’s lost some of her crazy because she’s tired all the time.)
6. What books could you relate Unmaking Hunter Kennedy to?
In story writing past and present there are always stories of ‘hidden princes’, or ‘hidden princesses’. It’s a really common theme. Hunter as an American pop star could be seen as one of those. And of course, there are tons of stories about rock-stars, bands, movie stars. (If you love movie stars read Tamara Weber’s Between the Lines). It should be a genre all it’s own. Like medieval, there should be a whole category of just ‘books about sad-sexy-pop-stars’ ! (And if there is one, please, someone send me that link!’)
7. Will there be a movie of the book?
In my dreams Cindy, in my dreams. I wish wish wish. WISH. If it happened I would fall out of my skin and fly to the moon. So, yeah…wishing wishing…
8. How long did it take your book to sell?
It took me two years to write it and get it going, and there were many days I thought it never would be a book people could buy. I self published both of my books via Amazon.com’s amazing Kindle Direct Publishing platform and my print books came from Amazon’s CreateSpace company. Without them, the Amazon.com storefront plus the publishing tools they’ve created to help authors hold their books in their hands (and on the gorgeous Kindles) not to mention the feedback, and the customer support they offer--(don’t believe me, call CreateSpace right now and a real person will talk to you-- I would be nothing but sad and still unpublished.
My stories would be hiding under my bed and I would be waiting to sell my books. I owe Amazon.com so much for how hard they work to let authors like me publish and then to create a store where the little guys can feature their books along with the big guys.
I actually wrote Unmaking Hunter Kennedy before I wrote my first published book, Almost. Almost was a project and a story about a girl who has rape-related PTSD. That book also took me about two years. (It is first a teen romance, though). Unmaking Hunter Kennedy was pitched, and shopped and taken to conferences. It even had it’s name changed to a manuscript called, ‘The Boyfriend Contract’ for awhile. A version that had all of the beginning chapters taken out in an attempt to try to make it a story about Vere. This was because agents/editors I’d met told me I could not have a romance story that began with a boy because the girls would not relate to it. I’m really glad I got to put all of it back together with Hunter up front. I am even more happy girls and women seem to love that it begins with Hunter. YAY.
9. How did you get your agent?
Pixie dust and magic. I swear. I tried to get an agent for six long years. In 2012, Almost became a sleeper hit. After simmering on the teen/love and romance charts for five months it spent two weeks on the Amazon.com top 100 and stayed a bestseller in the top 100 of Children’s/teens for ten months! It just kept climbing the charts and hanging out.
My agent, Jane Dystel of Dystel and Goderich Literary Management, contacted me. (An email I actually had to walk away from, go drink a coffee, and then return to my desk to read it again--because I thought I’d dreamed it!) I emailed back and she called!! And now, together with Agent and Subsidiary Rights Director, Lauren Abramo, they’ve recently sold my book Almost to be in print in Germany and Turkey! I love them to my core and I am so grateful, lucky, everything. They are a dream come true for me, as well.
10. Do you want to say anything to our fellow viewers and your fans?
Yes. Just thank you. It’s always been my dream to simply make people fall in love in a book. I can’t believe I have fans at all (so again, thank you because honestly I’m just a reader and a romance fan also)!
It’s so humbling when people email or tweet me a ‘hello’! Thanks for reading romance, loving romance and for checking out my books because without readers and people being in love with falling in love, I would have no dream at all.
11. And you say whatever story you wish to tell or any extra things if you want. ;)
Even though Almost came out first, you know Unmaking Hunter Kennedy is my first blog tour book. Cindy you were one of the first to reach out and send me cool questions and crack me up about all of this. You’re awesome, dedicated and just...thanks so much for having me and giving me your time and putting my book on your beautiful blog. Xo Annie
I want to thank Anne very much for spending her time with me today and having a lot of fun together. ;) You gotta love this author! She's so funny!!
Author Bio: Anne Eliot www.anneeliot.com
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