by Lisa McMann
Release Date: October 8th, 2013
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Genre: YA Fantasy
Format: ARC paperback, 241 pages
Source: Liana
Get a Copy: Amazon | B&N
Book Summary: Jules should be happy. She saved a lot of people's lives and she's finally with Sawyer - pretty much the guy of her dreams. But the nightmare's not over, because she somehow managed to pass the psycho vision stuff to Sawyer. Excellent.
Feeling responsible for what he's going through and knowing that people's lives are at stake, Jules is determined to help him figure it all out. But Sawyer's vision is so awful he can barely describe it, much less make sense of it. All he can tell her is there's a gun. And eleven ear-splitting shots. Bang.
Jules and Sawyer have to work out the details fast, because the visions are getting worse, and that means only one thing: Time is running out. But every clue he sees takes them down the wrong path. If they can't prevent what Sawyer sees in the vision from happening, lives will be lost. And they may be among the casualties.
Cindy's Review:
I read Crash, Visions book #1 like last week. OMG. That cliff-hanger ending was a road killer Thank goodness my friend Liana had the ARC and I made her give it to me the next day I finished Crash. LOL.
"Finally. School."
First time I read a book and the character actually can't wait to go to school. For reals.
The Cover:
I love the cover. Staring at it can be kind of creepy though, but it's so creative. In a way, it's a bullet shot hole in an eye, but if you look at it from far away, it looks like an eye. This cover matches the Crash cover. But I think Bang was more creative.
"I freaking love my brother. I love him to death."
Just in case you're wondering, I really don't find this line creepy. I really like their brother-sister relationship. And Imma reassure you, they do not have a thing going on.
The Characters:
Remember the pizza review book I had like last week. Here's the review for Crash. Well, I got to read the sequel! ;D And ohmergerd that cliffhanger ending was driving me crazy. Basically, I ran around the house and then texted Liana to bring me the Bang book. LOL. Yep. And it was so freakin cute. That romance. Between Jules and Sawyer. I still think they kind of have weird names. Like Sawyer sounds like a last name. Tom Sawyer. LOL. See. It is a last name. But well, I never judge characters by their names, so that's a good thing. ;)
"Holding me. Right here in public."
*Squeals. Yes! I love it when they do the romance thing in front of everyone. ;D
Jules Demarco - I've read quite a lot of Jules and Juliets this week. #Random. So Jules has a pretty normal personality. I like it when she gets jealous. Omg. LOL. It's so cute. I really like Jules and Sawyer relationship. (I want to say I ship them, but I think I only ship couples from dramas, for some reason, or maybe just I haven't read a book where I ship characters really badly. ) See. My non-sense talk again. I don't think I can even talk to myself without messing up. Anyways, I'm supposed to be talking about Jules and my mind is blank. How do people do that? And explain characters? I feel like I'm writing a diary entry. Omg. Okay. Let's hope I explain Sawyer better. I think I should cuz he's a guy. LOL. Omg. So if you want to no about Jules, you should just check the Crash review cuz I'm, uh, lazy.....
"I want to be your playground."
Ohmergerd. Does that mean what I think it means? Or am I thinking wrong? As always. LOL.
"At this rate, we'll have like nine babies by the end of our senior year."
Omg. I can't. I just can't.
The Extras:
You know what. I'll just forget explaining. I'll do all my talking. So I actually cried (I forgot, I think I cried) during this one part near the ending where Trey got ____. Yeah. I won't tell you what happened. But Trey (Jules's older brother) is such an awesome characters. ;D But if I was in the book, I"ll think of him more than a brother material than a boyfriend material.
Okay, so one thing I don't like about this book though is that they talk about the vision thing way too much. I know it's the whole point of this book, but it's like 24/7 they worry about the vision. I mean, don't they have a life. It's like page after page after page of the whole vision. I wanted some more romance in this book. Like the only romance featured was near the beginning when Jules wasn't that worried about the vision yet.
You know what, you guys should just go visit Liana's blog and check out her awesome reviews on this series because ugh. I can't. My reviews are so disgusting. Omg.
kk. Love ya for reading tho. Bye~
The Rating: (1-10): 8.7
Happy Reading~
Thanks for the review. I am looking for something new and this book really belongs to me and I am interested to read the story of the novel. I will download eBook copy for me and read the rest story.