Another one to add to my Books to Movies list!
And this one comes out like in a month.
Of course, I'm like the last one to broadcast that.

I've been meaning to read the book, but I still have never gotten to it.
Here's more book info.
Ender's Game (Ender's Saga #1)
by Orson Scott Card
Release Date: July 15th, 1994 (woah!)
Publisher: Tor Science Fiction
Publisher: Tor Science Fiction
Content: PG-13
Genre: Science Fiction (of course)
Government drafts genius
child Andrew "Ender" Wiggin to defend against alien Buggers, but
rejects sadistic brother Peter and beloved sister Valentine. In orbiting
Battle School, rigorous military training, skill and natural leadership
elevates boy to isolated position, respected by jealous rivals,
pressured by teachers, afraid of invasion.
Movie info.

Release Date: November 1st, 2013.
woot woot. Coming up! I'm gonna watch!
Ender Wiggin - Asa Butterfield
Valentine Wiggin - Abigail Breslin
Colonel Hyrum Graff - Harrison Ford
Petra Arkanian - Hailee Steinfeld
Can't wait for that movie. :D Gotta read that book soon.
Stay tuned for any more news of Books to Movies. :)
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